How to display wordpress posts in a grid layout

To display WordPress posts in a grid layout, you can use a plugin or create a custom template. Here are the steps for using a plugin:

  1. Install and activate a grid layout plugin. Some popular options include WP Tiles, Grid Plus, and Essential Grid.

  2. Once the plugin is activated, go to your WordPress dashboard and create a new page or edit an existing one where you want to display your posts.

  3. Use the plugin’s shortcode or block to insert the grid layout into your page. The shortcode or block will vary depending on the plugin you’re using.

  4. Customize the grid layout settings, such as the number of columns, post types, and display options.

  5. Save the page and preview it to ensure the posts are displaying in the grid layout.

If you prefer to create a custom template, here are the steps:

  1. Create a child theme for your WordPress site to avoid modifying the original theme files.

  2. Duplicate the “index.php” file and rename it to something like “grid-layout.php”.

  3. Edit the “grid-layout.php” file and add code to display your posts in a grid layout. You can use WordPress functions such as “get_posts” or “query_posts” to retrieve the posts, and then use HTML and CSS to create the grid layout.

  4. Save the file and create a new page in WordPress.

  5. Use the “Page Attributes” section to select the “Grid Layout” template you just created.

  6. Publish the page and preview it to ensure the posts are displaying in the grid layout.

Keep in mind that creating a custom template requires some knowledge of PHP and HTML/CSS, so if you’re not comfortable with these languages, using a plugin may be a better option.

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